Chaves is located in the region knows as the Trás-os-Montes in the Northeastern part of Portugal. It is know for its hills, mountains and steep canyons. The missionaries affectionly refer to a bus trip through the region as the "vomit comet." Typically, this area is is arid. However, Chaves is well favored since it was built on the banks of the Tâmego river, in the center of a sunken basin which is particularly fertile.
The small town of Aquae Flaviae, know to the Romans for its thermal springs, was transformed into an important stopping point on the Astorga-Braga road when Trajan (emperor of Rome) built a bridge over the Tâmego river. In 1160, after being recaptured from the Moors, Chaves was fortified to ensure its command of the valley.
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The chapel in Chaves occupies one of the ground level suites of a small building. The building has two office spaces on ground floor and two apartments on the second floor. The missionaries lived in one of the apartments on the second floor. Both the chapel and the apartment were one of the largest chapels and missionary apartments, respectively, in the mission.
The keep (tower) is all that remains of the castle. A massive square tower with battlements at the corners is still surrounded by the outer wall. The grounds are now a beautiful garden interspersed with cannons. The castle was built by King Dinis. Later it served as the residence of the first Duke of Bragança, illegitimate son of Dom João I. (See the palace in Guimarães.)
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This is a picture of the lovely gardens around the castle tower is Chaves. The garden is within the walls of the fortifications that were built much later than the tower. Consequently, the garden have a panoramic view of the city.
The Roman bridge at chaves was build in the first centuries AD by Trajan. There is a grassy park and gardens on one side of the river. Over the years the bridge has lost its parapets and some of its arches. Nonetheless, it is still a functional bridge that creates a beautiful setting. In the center of you bridge you can see the stone milestones that still bear legible Roman inscriptioins.
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This is a close up of the milestone marker located in the middle of the bridge on the southern side. Elders Thower and Malmstrom are explaining all the historical details.
This is one of the public buildings in chaves with a small public square in front.
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Besides the medieval castle keep, Chaves also has a large fortification based on the star shaped design that became common after the invention of gun powder. Notice the lack of a large tower that was common in fortifications prior to 1500. These towers were just targets for cannons and quickly disappeared after 1500.