Póvoa de Varzim
Póvoa de Varzim is partly an old fishing port and partly an elegant and modern seaside resort. Most of the city is fairly new with straignt streets. It is known for its casinos.
Póvoa Chapel
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The Póvoa church is used by the Póvoa de Varzim Ward and the Vila de Conde branch. The chapel is new and was constructed by the LDS church following the typical floor plan of the new churchs.
The typical LDS church had a nice kitchen with a serving window into the Relief Society room. This picture is the faithful sisters of the Póvoa ward cleaning up after a ward social. As you can see the church was a very functional facility. Kitchen in Póvoa Church
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Matosinhos Young Men campout
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The Matosinhos stake conducted a stake young men campout in 1998. A campout was held in a field next to the Povoa chapel. This picture was taken during the campfire.
Note: President West needs some more pictures of the Póvoa area to include on the web site.