Including the areas of Mangualde and Aldeia Nova
The town of Viseu is located in a broad valley of wooded and somewhat hilly area on the south bank of the Paiva river, a tributary of the Mondego. The Mondego begins near the town of Guarda, passing by Coimbra and reaches the ocean at Figuera do Foz. Viseu is an important center of agriculture and crafts (lace, carpets, basketmaking and black clay pottery.)
The Viseu chapel in located in the down town area of the city. It was one of the first chapels contructed by the church in Portugal. As a result it does not have the standard floor plan. The upper floors contain the chapel, a cultural hall, a stage, and kitchen. When the doors to the cultural hall are opened, there is room for seating approximately 400 people. On the ground level are classrooms and offices. Viseu Chapel
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Interior of Viseu Chapel
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This is a view of the Chapel of the Viseu church building. The Chapel occupies the upper floor. In 1998 more powerful heating and cooling heat pumps were added so that the chapel can be comfortable summer or winter. This was a very nice upgrade.
Elder Christensen cleans up the kitchen in the Viseu chapel after a zone conference. Kitchen in Viseu Chapel
Christmas 1996
During the Christmas zone conference in December 1996, the West family children prepared a nativity play with the help of the missionaries. The Viseu chapel has an excellent stage for this purpose. We appreciate the assistance of Elders Cooper, Hacking, Madeiros, Beato, and Baldwin and Sister Michelle.
The Eastern walls of the chapel have large windows that provide light making the chapel light and airy. The view out these windows in the late afternoon was so beautiful. This picture does not do the scene justice, but is still pretty. Plus, the view of the backside of an apartment building is so typical. View from the chapel
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Mission branch presidents
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Early in 1997, a mission wide branch presidents conference was held in Viseu. This is a picture of all the branch presidents who attended. This picture was taken by the front door
Group pictures were taken after every zone conference. This picture was taken in the back of the Viseu chapel. You can see the parking area under the chapel. There is also a ramp leading to the concrete pad behind the chapel that was used for additional parking and for sports. Back of Viseu chapel
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The statue of Viriato oversees one of the major traffic intersections of Viseu. Viriato led the indigenous armes against the Roman invasions during the second century BC. For more information on Viriato, click here.
The small town of Mangualde is located several kilometers east of Viseu. The town is built on the ridge of a small hill. The town dates from the middle ages. It is a agricultural and transportation center. The chapel is located in a small suite of an office and apartment building. The chapel is very tiny so that even the few members who come feel snug. Mangualde chapel
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Aldeia Nova Chapel
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The village of Aldeia Nova is very small and very remote. It is definitely the smallest population area that has a branch in all of Portugal, if not Europe. However, there are enough faithful members that Aldeia Nova was never the smallest branch attendance wise. There is always a warm feeling among the members. The building is two stores, the chapel being on the first with kitchen and classrooms up stairs.
The town of Caramulo is in the high mountains east of Viseu. Because of its high altitude and pleasant scenery Caramulo was a resort and spa for the rich and famous of Portugal during the middle of the 20th century. Two of the vestiges of this earlier grandeur are an art and an automobile museum. The auto museu had over 50 vehicles from the very first one invented to the latest Lambroghinis and Faarraris. Caramulo
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Portuguese granite
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Portugal is a land of granite. Giant granite boulders are spewn over the country side. The large rocks are clearly evident in this picture and are typical. In other areas, (Guimarães and Covilhã) the boulders were as big as houses. This particular site is near Caramulo, east of Viseu. From the peak in this picture it is possible to see from Serra da Estrela mountain to Coimbra to Figueira da Foz. The Portuguese could make anything out of stone. On this trail some of the stone steps were laid like blocks of wood, others were cut into the boulders in place.