Rosana and Ulisses Soares
Ulisses Soares, 41, Granja Viana Ward, Sao Paulo Brazil Raposo Tavares Stake; stake president; former regional welfare agent, high councilor, stake executive secretary, stake single adult leader, bishop's counselor, ward elders quorum president, and missionary in Rio de Janeiro Mission; director of temporal affairs for area Presiding Bishopric's office; received degree in accounting and business from Pontificia Catholic University, and MBA from National Institute of Post Graduate Study; born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, to Apparecido and Mercedes Carecho Soares; married Rosana Fernandes; three children. She is ward Primary president's counselor; former ward Relief Society president, ward Primary president, and Sunday School teacher; received teaching degree from Moema University; born to Oswaldo Morgado and Guiomar de Vulcanis Morgado Fernandes.